Donnerstag, 12. März 2020

ENGLISH Episode 46 - Why did the turtle cross the road?

Hello dudes!

It's time for "TMNT - The Talk"!

This time it's something completely different... I'm telling you some jokes! Sounds weird? Well, I guess it is.

I got some TMNT National Quiz Joke Books and I will tell you some of those jokes. You remember the Joke Books? They came with some of the TMNT toys in the 80s and 90s. And those jokes are so good... well, you can decide for yourself. :-P

So, relax, have a good time and laugh (or not) at those turtle-y awesome jokes. Cowabunga!

Oh, one more thing! In the episode I say that new episodes of "Rise of the TMNT" will come out at the end of April. That's WRONG! New episodes of "Rise of the TMNT" will come out at the end of March! Sorry for that.

English Episode 46

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